Principal Message

            I would like to welcome you to Hill Crest School with a great sense of gratitude to God for nurturing us right from the start of our School in 1996 and guiding us through the years till we arrive, resilient than ever, at our Silver Jubilee Year 2021.

            The School has grown through these twenty five years into what it is today and we are surging forward with progressive changes and we hope and pray that our earnest effort and dedication would propel our children to greater heights.

Last year we saw a turn of circumstances brought about by the Covid-19 pandemic that has affected each one of us in so many ways and for a lot of us with devastating effect. The School has had to go through its share of transformation to survive through the lock-downs. With the help of the XSEED team, through immediate training on On-line classes and the teachers skillful adaptation to the new form of education, we were able to surge ahead right from the start and finish our course as planned, even conducting two main examinations along with the tests and give out our Year–end Report Card as scheduled. I honestly appreciate the fervent effort of our teachers in swiftly adapting to the new system of teaching and their dedicated effort to get everyone connected.

            From the lessons learnt last year, our School is ever more determined to transform and evolve with the need of the hour using the skills learnt to enhance the system of teaching and learning and making it ever-more exciting and meaningful for our children to immerse into.

            Considering the protocol enforced during the pandemic, we are re-considering the different extra-curricular & sports activities that we will be conducting this year but in our effort to bring about a wholesome educational system we have infused in our ‘Year Programme’ different assessments, projects, competitions and extra-curricular activities which will encourage the children to develop and perform better academically and gain confidence in themselves.

            With our enhanced surveillance system through the installed CCTVs placed in strategic places to help us ensure a more secure environment inside the School and with the improved RFID system in-placed, we hope that we will be able to heighten our safe environment. To further this move and avoid any outside interference the management has decided not to allow any outsider inside the premises of the school during School time.

            I would like to take this opportunity to applaud the effort of the parents and it is through their support in our endeavour that we were able to uplift the standard of the School further and incorporate a ‘Blended – learning’ even through the ‘Pandemic year’.

We look forward to a successful “Jubilee” year ahead .

God Bless.
