School Infrastracture

The School building comprise of three different sections, two -three storied buildings, and a school hall. The School has a Basket-ball court and a small play section for the smaller students. The building includes class-rooms, library, staff rooms, laboratories for science and Computers, boarding quarters and staff quarters. The school also avails of both the Rynjah and the Poh-kseh fields for sports and games from time to time.


The School has a boarding facility which caters to both boys and girls and it has separate accommodations for junior school and high school and separate section for boys and girls in each level. There are wardens and assistants that look after each section and tutors that look after their studies and activities.


The school believes in the overall development of a child and therefore it includes in its ‘curriculum, a wholesome program which does not include only academic study but an array of extracurricular activities ranging from athletic and sports meets to debate and quiz, dancing, singing, painting, flower & salad arrangements and many other such competitions that would allow the children to showcase their talent and skills. Apart from the different competitions and activities there are also other activities like the cleaning drive in the community, the disaster management exercise, road safety awareness and many other such activities. The School also invites experts from different organizations to conduct different training programs that will build up the students character and personality and help them to find their direction in academics and vocation as they pursue towards their goals, and in doing so, build up their confidence and character which will help them to excel in life as responsible and good citizen.